
Monday, September 6, 2010

I need to talk to some one about the last weekend.

know that I was telling  you the story of my life but today I feel talking about what happened to me and my pack during the weekend.

I have to start saying that on Friday my pack leader "Eva" didn't feel so well at work so she came back earlier than normal and set us free for most of the day.
I thought that was the coolest way to begin  the week end so I enjoyed my freedom... (I was messing around with Ben without any supervision as she was in bed with a very bad headache....:))

I suppose the bad bit started when she didn't even get up to give us our super so the cool way to start the weekend vanished very soon...

Going for a "cold down swim"
Saturday was a little bit brighter for Ben and Me because we went to the beach ( Harbour view ) and we spent a good few hours there...Oh man !!, I love chasing those big birds, the big ones, the small ones, there are so many  types and sizes that some times I have some difficulty on focusing in only one at the time and I get all confused....chasing one and barking at the rest (I am a female, so that´s why I can do more one thing at the same time...;))
The tide is up!!!

I have to caught them, I have to...!!!!

After all the running and swimming we headed home where I was washed and groomed... And is at that point when I got suspicious as  it is very unusual for me to get groomed at the weekend because most of the time we are doing some outdoors activity.

Half and hour later, I found out why!!! We were going to the vet, I was due for my yearly vaccine! I hate the vet I can help it. It brings me very bad memories!

The last time I was there it was for nearly three days because of my passion for eating sticks...and even although I was very young I am still remembering the smells, the screeching  of the other dogs and the two nights I had to share the room with two cats...Unbelievable!!!

Anyway, After I got the vaccine ( I heard something like..." Vesta is  behaving very well so far"...) Eva asked to the vet why my "tits"(very rude of her, by the way) were still swollen if my last season was in May.
I couldn't believe what I just heard...!!! Doesn't she know that I am expecting babies? But the most extraordinary thing is when the vet told her that I had a sickie called it something like "false pregnancy"????

He said that my hormones should calm down within a month or so, otherwise  I should come back for a chat.... I was in  shock!! How do they dare  to say I am not pregnant!!!

That evening was a long one at home thinking to myself about the conversation in the Vet´s and convincing myself that they were right death as Ben was way too small at the time to father my pups...

Ben and Myself during my first season.He is wearing his coat to impress me.

On the Sunday after, the rain came lashing down, but in spite of the weather, we went for a stroll to Inchydoney beach (very cool beach, you can learn how to surf and wind surf there, loads of tourist and holiday makers..).


                                                                       Inchydoney Beach, Clonakilty

Since the rain had stopped there and there were few people in the beach Eva took advantage of the situation (and that the battery of the camera was charged, she always forget to plug it) and asked Peter (Our other pack member) to tape us while we were training...well I have to say that I can understand how Ben loves so much that stupid trick training I prefer running free and enjoy the wind in my ears...

Are you able to see me in the video running around trying to have your attention?

Some times I feel really jealous of Ben because the rest of the pack spend lots of time with him thinking that he is very cute when he is performing his tricks but seriously I can not see the fun of it!.

When we were nearly finished with the walk, I saw a little boy running free (as I like to do) so I thought it would be funny to run along side with him. Unfortunately he didn't seem to enjoy as much as I did because he started to cry and scream and her mother didn't look very happy either.

Some times I can´t really understand these humans! I didn´t even touch the child and he was screaming for his life and the only thing I was thinking of, was to have a bit more of fun!

But that morning later on we had another incident and that time were the humans the ones implicated. They nearly ended up in the Garda Station!!! :0.

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