
Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Lesson fourth

1. see in what situations your dog gets really crazy and exited or runs as mad and name it
2. make the front feet target lower&lower and smaller&smaller and then fade it completely, still circling away from the dog and have him follow your leg. Then, add movements to the side, forward and backward and reward your dog for being glued to the leg
3. side version of 2on2off: try to get side legs (the two left or the two right legs) on an object. The easiest is to choose an object that is angled (I put a pillow under the angle against the sofa or a wall), so that the dog can’t climb on it with all 4 feet. Because of 2on2off, they will probably try hind feet on, but position yourself next to an object so that the dog is parallel to it and will probably first try just one hind foot (it helps if you have a pee trick down already!): reward a couple of times so that he keeps it there as opposed to try to put the other hind leg on too and then see if you can get front foot on too. You can tell them to paw touch your hand that you keep close to an object and eventually fade the hand to have both feet on an object. Jackpot if the dog puts both feet on at the same time (vs. first hind, then front). Do it with both sides right from the start, you want to build muscle and balance on both sides.
4. one object into another: shape the dog to pick up an object, then to carry it around, then to carry it in the direction of another object, then to let it go close to it and eventually to actually put it in another object. I usually start directly with two bowls of the same size, but to make it easier, you can also use a toy and a box or something similar. Do try it with a bowl too, though, they require more precision.
5. I see many started that already, seeing the video I posted on the website – those that didn’t, start with hug the pole/umbrella trick, first clicking for any paw touch, then for sliding to the side and then for going more&more around the object, the final goal is a firm hug with one or both front feet around the object – see this video
6. stays with distractions: tell the dog to sit or down and continue with proofing the stay until the release word as we were discussing in 2on2off case in the last lesson: have them stay in a position with you running passed them, throwing toys and treats, making different hand gestures etc. – then say “go” (sometimes standing still, sometimes while moving) and reward, preferably with a toy as you want a fast start out of the position on “go”

And here is Darwin´s video for lesson third:

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Great progress with Darwin.

Eva is really into training us with the clicker (shaping).
At the beginning it was tough because we didnt know what to do so there was not movement so ever, but now it seems that we are getting there!
Look this video and the comments from Silvia:

Great progress, now he is actually offering behaviours and trying things! I loved the part when you sit on the floor, he is offering very good circling there! When you stand up, you still tend to help with a hand and that just distracts him, let’s try to do that trick with you sitting on the ground and rewarding just as you did when you were actually trying to get 2on2off :) Let him do the job and then just reach in with a hand very quickly to reward, without keeping it there to lure :) To avoid the confusion with 2on2off, work on those two tricks in two separate sessions for now and with two different objects. Still, some confusion is no big deal, in that confusion, I see more initiative and offering from Darwin as I’ve ever seen before, so I wouldn’t worry about it. That second part was really just great, loved the circling and loved how he is searching for an object with hind foot. You can click that lifting of one foot and put it on a different cue, it’s a cute “pee” trick! Great job!

Friday, March 11, 2011


Hello there,

Just a brief comment to introduce my video.
We were training the second lesson of Silvia trkman assignment but you can see that as well as that we are still practicing the first lesson too!

Eva says that I am very good at learning new things and she is more and more convinced every time than the puppy lessons we took in Ininshannon nearly spoiled me.

And for more funny things...just a little play with Darwin and Eva in the beach yesterday.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Second lesson with Silvia Trkman (very challenging indeed :) )

Puppy Lesson 2

As you did so good with your first homework, you’re getting some more this time :) No worries if you don’t manage to do everything in 2 weeks, you can always come back to those tricks. Post wherever you end up, as I said, we learn the most through problems, so you want to post those too! :)
1. experiment with different toys and ways to play with your dog. Tape his favourite game.
2. instead of a plate, find something a little higher this time to give them a better feeling of where to keep their front legs, click first for front feet on an object (should be easy, you want the same thing as on a plate) and then observe hind legs and click for ANY movement (even just a weight shift) and then shape from there to more&more steps around the object. The final version of this trick is full circle around, with you static (don’t help the dog to circle with your movement!) – I think those that have my heeling video can already do that exercise, though :)
3. take the plate and hold it in different positions to see if the dog understands it’s the same thing even when you hold it higher, under angle etc. Try when he is standing, sitting and lying down. If you didn’t name touching an object with a paw, it’s time to do it now! Also, try to change objects for this exercise, sometimes also use a hand as a paw target. Once he can do all that, you’re ready for next two tricks we will get out of the paw touch:
- crossing paws: tell the puppy to down (or shape it if he doesn’t know it yet), then hold the plate (or, you can use another, smaller and more convenient object, like a plastic lid or a piece of paper) close to left paw and only reward touching it with left paw. Then hold it closer and closer to right paw, still only reward left paw touches, then hold it on right paw and eventually on the other side, jackpoting the touches of left paw on a right paw now in order to eventually get rid of a target.
- sit up: tell the puppy to sit (or shape it if he doesn’t know it yet), then put the plate (or just use the hand if he will recognize that as a target) low enough first that he can reach it with a paw, but then every next time, hold it a little higher – not that high that he would stand up, but high enough that the other leg leaves the ground a little bit too. Jackpot.
4. observe your puppy and try to find situations when he would back up – it usually happens when they’re moving out of your way – or sometimes when they really want something, but know they can’t get it. You can try to sit down on the floor with treats in your hand and click first step back with hind foot. Don’t wait for more than one as they usually sit down then. Click&reward the first one and reward by throwing a treat towards the dog. Rewarding at distance will help you add more&more steps and more&more distance from you. At one point, switch to rewarding with a toy, it’s easier to throw.
5. 2on2off – find an object big enough for a dog to go on with all 4 feet easily – maybe just put your first 4in object upside down? – Click for 2-3 legs on and then don’t click the fourth one, you don’t want any duration standing there! Only click again when the dog is leaving the object, try to catch him with 2 front feet on the ground and deliver the treat while he is still in this position. Click&reward several times for a position, then say “go”/”o.k.”/”free”/whatever your release word will be and throw a treat away so that he needs to leave the position to get it. Do this enough times that the dog starts to expect the thrown treat after “go”, so that then you don’t need to throw it in advance, but only after he leaves the position on “go”. Do not help with body language that you want him to leave after “go” – if he doesn’t know it yet, go back to throwing a treat and progress more slowly.
And I guess this really is enough fun for next 2 weeks! :)

Darwing the gold fish...!!! :)

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Box and Recall Tricks (second and third assigments)

You know that Silvia published a list of task which should be done and taped to be assessed by her.
Darwin and myself have been practicing the box trick for nearly 1 week now and look the results:

 (Tomorrow I will post a video of me.....finally It comes....:))

As well as the video I want to post here a very nice comment that Eva and Darwin got from one of their pupy class mates regarding the dish trick:

camilla’s avatar
Well done Emillan!! Looks like you guys have had a great week together. He looks like he is really enjoying himself – i love his little tail wiggles & your clicker timing is now v impressive :-)

Eva says that it is well worthy the tail wiggles because she is spending so much money in lovely treats for us like bacon and chicken...
I didnt tell you in my latest post but I have new pictures to show you as we (all the family) have been returning to the weekend  hunting track Eva likes to call them....We have discovered (yes, because it was beside our very own house and we didnt know it was there) a lovely route of 42 km called the seven heads walk..the worst part is that some of those 42 km are in roads so we have to walk on the leash...but so far we have enjoyed 4 different parts of the walk...Pics will come soon!!! and my video too!!! I cannot wait!!!!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Darwin and Silvia Trkman puppy class!

Hello here I am again reporting from Bandon,

In the last post I told you about Darwin and the clicker training. The two first videos were uploaded to the Silvia trkman website and assessed by her and the comments were very useful to all of us, thanks to them I am enjoying loads of treats...:).
Here it goes:
This is the firs comment for the videos in the last post:
Hm, do I hear clicks and not see you rewarding? After every click, there should be a reward!!! I think you should make your sessions drastically shorter – set alarm clock and allow you 1.5 min to start with and in that time, try to click&deliver as many treats as you can! That would be the best exercise for his focus, his focus&motivation is not there yet. Also, stop helping. You’re asking him to do that and another thing, you will get wrong attitude towards work that way. HE should ask you to do that or another thing. For now, I wouldn’t focus on that or another trick at all, just keep your hands at the back and don’t say a word, just sit and observe, click anything he does and throw a treat for each click.

Now, look at the new video Eva taped yesterday and the comment from silvia below:

Wow, that’s definitely MUCH better! :)

Thursday, February 24, 2011

How we became to be so good !!!!

Hi there,

I know, I know, I promised to write soon but you know me! I wouldn´t change a good run in a field for an update to my blog. I am more in the side of corpore sano rather than mente sana. :).

Anyway, coming back to business, you were wondering how and why we (Myself and Darwin) are so well behaved...I can tell you this, It didnt happen from day to night! :)

Our human Eva when she was a pup liked very much to watch in the Tv all the series like "Lassy" and "black beauty" so she grown up thinking that we animals are able to be behave like humans so she was a little bit frustrated when I came along and I was everything but obedient.

The next is history, she dragged me to a puppy class in a close by town where they were making do the most ridiculous things like walking along at the same pace that her, stay in the same spot while she was waking away, sit and lay at command etc...
If you know me by now, you would have thought that that´s not me at all so therefore, I was a very bad student and got very bad grades...we got expelled of the second course (agility).

Here with My mates

Begging me to be good

Can you see me pulling like mad?

Our home made agility course

I really enjoyed that day!

 The reason why I got expelled was because I like to do thing on my way, I hate waiting for hours for my turn (I get bored) and then think and look and obey at the same many things what I really like is to run and play...Anyway, the teacher was not my cup of tea... ;)

So consequently, Eva gave up trying to teach me things till Ben arrived home (you have already seen his trick videos) He was great and then I became more interested in that sort of things...

To be hones with you now, nearly two years later I am great, I am very well behaved (because I want to be, not because I am told to be) and I know many many tricks and I learn faster and faster every session thanks to Eva coming across with Silvia Trkman web site and clicker training.

Talking about this, my post today was to tell you that Darwin is doing the long distance puppy lessons by Silvia.
It means that Eva and Darwin are working in daily bases in a list of tricks that Silvia provided with and they have to be taped and uploaded to her website.

The first lesson is:

1. call your dog at least 10 times a day to do something fun together: to play, to go out, to get a treat, something to chew on or a new exciting toy

2. put a plate (or another object, but I like to start with a plate as puppies can’t chew on those too easily) on a floor and shape a puppy to touch it with a front paw: you can first click for head movement in the right direction, then one/two/three steps, then stepping over it or close to it and finally for stepping on it

3. sit on a floor and put a fist full of treats or dog’s favourite toy right in front of their nose, wait till they stop sniffing and click for anything they try other than getting directly to the food/toy or staring at it. It’s very important the dog understands staring at food/toy doesn’t get him anywhere as it will later on allow you to work with food/toys in your hand without distracting the dog’s focus from the job at hand.

4. find a box or a drawer that is as long as your dog and not too high and shape a dog to put 1-2-3-4 legs into it. Then try with smaller&smaller objects, final goal is the dog can stand is a small bowl.

5. observe your puppy and see if he sometimes stretches his legs out when in down position, puppies often do that when relaxed or playing. Name it (I call it “frog”:) and reward. It’s a nice stretching exercises and very easy to get it on cue if the dog does it naturally (some dogs do it as adults too, but mine didn’t and it was much harder to train it as with puppy Le who was doing that naturally). If not, put a dog in a down position and reward from the floor and so far ahead that the dog needs to stretch out to get it – but not so far that he would crawl ahead. Watch the hind legs and click for moving them back OR out, but NOT for crawling step forward.

So here are the first videos, they are terrible but Eva and Myself are working to find some kind of program in Internet to customize them....


I hope you like them, I will have you posted about Darwin improvements (the poor thing he doesnt even know that he is being taped.....)

Friday, January 7, 2011

A long long time this time....

Well I dont have any excuses prepared to tell you about why I havent updated the blog for so long but I would say that many things happended....some very bad and some very good.

To sum up all the things and not repeat myself with the same histories I can tell you that the worst thing ever happened to our human-doggy family was on the 14th of October, when Ben was hit by a car a died instantly.

All of us were devastated, we couldn't sleep for days and I felt like I had a big heavy stone pressing down my heart!!!!

He was such a good fella...always happy and smalling although some times he was a bit rough playing with my ears and barking to the human pups...

Play happy and endless behind the rainbow my little brother, we will always remember you and we will carry you in our hearts for ever.

So, the house was so empty without him that Peter went to S.S.P.C.A in Mahon Point Cork and got us something to cheer us up.

His name is Darwin.

At the beginning I didn't like the idea of him replacing Ben and I made that clear!!! He slept on the floor in the kitchen for the three first way I was going to allow him to jump up to my bed...

But eventually he looked so sad and depressed that I started to let him come closer and closer to me without eat him up!!!
Furthermore, Eva explained to me that he wasn´t replacing Ben and that it wasn't his fault Ben wasn't there anymore, In fact, he was a new friend who would share the pen with me in the dark winter days while she was away...

So at the moment nearly three months later we have become the best of friends...

Christmas at home decorating the tree.

He even knows the same tricks than Ben knew by now and some new too.
Someday I should grab the video recorder and tape him but it is a bit difficult because he is really fast and I am a bit clumsy with my paws on the camera with all those buttons and as well as that, when he is practicing the tricks I normally practice them too!!! But I promise we will show off ourselves!!!

 I will tell you Darwin´s history...It is a bit sad really, but it has a happy ending...

Darwin mother was brought up to the shelter because she was pregnant with him and his brothers and sisters..six in total...three girls and three boys but unfortunately one of his sisters died due to a heart disease.

Us in foster care.

Darwin Sleeping

Darwin´s mother

His mother is a Border Terrier but we know nothing about his father, we believe that he wasn´t a terrier because Darwin temper is very good and friendly and he even likes cats...UFFF!!!
He is the best friend with Hebe, they share bed and everything...He chases her sometimes all right, but more of a play than anything...
When Peter went to the shelter only Darwin and a brother of him were left.
Peter chose Darwin because he was way more playful and he kept coming back to him bringing a ball!!!
So the truth to be told is that he is a "little bit Hyper" and needs loads of exercise to relax at night...And if I keep telling you truths... he also wet his bed!!!...I reckon that he is too small to retain himself long enough but Eva and Peter are not happy with that...and keep blaming each other...I dont know what that has to do with Darwin but anyway you know this humans...

Ok now, my paws are not used anymore to write so long, so I will post some of our new aventures soon...I promisse!